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At Omnitool we know that the tools are run hard, some of them are even hung up wet. We provide thermoform tooling repair and maintenance services ranging from re-sharpening trim dies and repairing cavities to line-swap tool adjustments and material change over modifications; all of which help extend the life, or increase the value, of our customers’ existing tooling.

Tool Refurbishment

Omnitool’s skilled technicians can rebuild older tooling to better meet client requirements.  If necessary, we will design and manufacture new tooling components to fulfill any desired improvement.

Tool Refurbishment

Punch and Die Sharpening

Drop a wrench into your trim press? We are here to help. We offer expedited time lines to get you back in business.

Punch and Die Sharpening

Tooling Maintenance

We provide preventative maintenance, in a fast, high-quality operation that saves our clients time and money over complete tool replacement.

Tooling Maintenance

Tooling Repair

Screwed?  We dont judge, we just fix it get it back to you so you can keep hammering.

Tooling Repair

Tooling Repair & Maintenance Capabilities

General Capabilities
Emergency Repair
Re-Sharpening of Trim Tools
Repairing Cavities
Updating Components
Line-Swap Tool Modifications
Material Change Over Modifications
MaterialsAluminum, Steel, Wood, Syntactic Foam
Software Based Interference Checking
Die Handlers
Mold Testers
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
Typical Lead Times AvailableCase by case basis
Sensitive to their production need
Quality ControlUse data from the production thermoform tooling
File Formats
Hand Sketches
Alias Models
Solid Works
Industry MembershipsMinnesota Precision Manufacturing Association

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